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SOKENDAI Freshman Course


The Freshman Course is an intensive course, specially designed for newly-enrolled students in SOKENDAI. This course has two objectives: (1) To acquire basic knowledge and skills required for all researchers; and, (2) To understand the SOKENDAI’s broad range of intellectual fields, and create a network beyond your research field. The course consists of three main sessions: “Exploring Diversity in Academia (EDA)," "Researchers and Society," and "Communicating Skills for Researchers."

フレッシュマンコース(FC)は、新入生を主な対象とした集中講義です。このコースでは、次の2つのことを主な目的とします。 第一に、研究者を目指すすべての人が身につけるべき技術・考えるべき問題を学ぶこと。第二に、総研大ならではの知的広がりに触れる中で、異なる分野の人とのつながりを築くこと。本コースは、「アカデミア探訪」、「研究者と社会」、「研究者のための“伝える”技術」の3つのセッションから構成されています。


Registration 登録

2024年度前学期 日本語コース 


Tuesday, Apr. 9 - Friday, Apr. 12, 2024


[1] Registration Guideline Download 受講案内ダウンロード

For more details such as class schedule and assignments, etc., please download the Registration Guideline.


[2] Registration Form 登録フォーム  登録締切: 2024年3月8日(金)正午 

The Freshman Course is offered in April (Japanese) and October (English) each year. Both courses are held at Hayama campus over three days and teach the same content in a combination of on-site and on-demand classes. Participation in all classes is required for credit. Students should select and register for either the English or Japanese course according to your language preference. The April FC is conducted in Japanese only and students are required to participate in discussions and submit assignments in Japanese with the exception of “Communication Skills for Researchers” (Students may select either Japanese or English). If you prefer to take the course in English, please register for the 2024 Second Semester Freshman Course scheduled for Tuesday, October 8 through Friday, October 11, 2024.


フレッシュマンコースは、年に2回、日本語と英語で開催します。日本語(4月開講)及び英語(10月開講)の授業内容は同じです。両コースとも葉山キャンパス(2泊3日)の対面授業、およびオンデマンドで開講し、単位取得には全ての授業への参加が必要です。英語もしくは日本語、どちらかのコースのみに申込をお願いします。4月に実施される本コースは、日本語で行われます。日本語でのディスカッションおよび課題提出が必要とされます(「研究者のための“伝える”技術」のみ、日本語または英語から選択可能)。英語での受講を希望される場合は、2024年度英語コース(2024年10月8日(火)〜 10月11日(金)を予定)にご参加ください。




Course Outline 概要


This course consists of three sessions: “Exploring Diversity in Academia (EDA)," "Researchers and Society," and "Communication Skills for Researchers." The "EDA" will provide you with an opportunity to learn the diversity and commonality of research activities conducted at SOKENDAI and its affiliated Inter-University Research Institutes. You will be able to have the image of your new research life at SOKENDAI, while interacting with peer students and faculty members from different fields. In "Researchers and Society," we will learn and discuss the responsibilities of researchers in society through workshops and lectures. In "Communication Skills for Researchers," writing and presentation skills necessary for researchers will be introduced through lectures and exercises.


Exploring Diversity in Academia (EDA)


At SOKENDAI and the research institutes, research is conducted through a variety of methods, taking the advantage of the abundant research materials and facilities. Research methods and subjects do expand and deepen as research progresses, and that often promotes the interdisciplinary research and achievement. Your research may also develop into an unexpected collaborative research and open up a new field.



Researchers and Society


In today's society, researchers are required to have a high level of expertise and to be responsive to society. In particular, research misconduct has become a major social issue in recent years, and the need for researchers to be aware of appropriate ethical standards has increased. In this session, we will not only teach the ethical norms that researchers should follow, but also deepen the understanding of the relationship between research and society, which is the background of the ethical norms, and aim to cultivate the ability to understand the ethical norms necessary for researchers to play a desirable role in society and for the healthy functioning of the research community. To this end, we have developed the "Researcher and the Community of Researchers. For this purpose, workshops and lectures will be held based on representative topics related to "Researchers and Society."


Communication Skills for Researchers


One of the most important skills for researchers is the ability to communicate our ideas, research progress and findings to others in a clear and effective manner - both in writing and presentation. These skills can improve with experience, but learning effective strategies to apply and common problems to avoid is an important first step for young researchers. The writing section introduces basic structure and develops communicative writing ability through practical exercises. The presentation section develops awareness of audience needs and teaches how to create a narrative that successfully communicates science and encourages valuable feedback.



Notice  受講上の注意

  • We have two types of classes in this course: face-to-face classes at Hayama Campus and on-demand online classes. Please check the class schedule in advance.

  • Active participation in all the sessions is required for credit.

  • Important information for onsite and on-demand online classes is in the Registration guideline  "Course Description for SOKENDAI Freshman Course (Second Semester 2024)". Please read it carefully before the class.

  • 本授業は、セッションごとに、葉山キャンパスでの対面授業、オンデマンド授業のいずれかの形式で行います。時間割をよく確認の上、ご参加ください。

  • 単位取得には、全セッションに積極的に参加することが必要です。

  • 対面・オンライン・オンデマンドセッションそれぞれの詳しい注意事項は「受講案内」に記載していますので、必ず事前にご確認ください。

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